Student's School Adaptation Test

Student's School Adaptation Test

Student's School Adaptation Test measures the different adjustment problems (social, emotional, and educational) faced by school students.  The test has been designed for the use of both males and females in the age range of 6 to 18 (both children and adolescents). The test measures three (3) areas of adjustment, namely: Social Adjustment, Emotional Adjustment, and Educational Adjustment.  

The scale consists of 60 items/statements which are related to the problems related to adjustments at school.

The test consists of YES and NO options with both positive and negative statements. 

The scale can be administered both individually and in a group setting. 

Language of Test is English and the time limit is 30 minutes.

Responsible Abhishek Parihar
Last Update 01/13/2023
Completion Time 1 day 11 hours
Members 2
Students Test Personality Test Adjustment Test
    • Student's School Adaptation Test